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How Your Mindset Can Shape Your Destiny

Do you have a positive or a negative mindset? The answer to that question may well predict your future. It is a fact that your dominant thoughts make a big difference to your happiness and success in all areas of your life. These thinking patterns can be deep rooted and for many people they can restrict the amount of opportunity ties available in their lives. Lets take a look at how your mindset is formed and ways you can change your thoughts for a brighter future.

Some people want to know what their future will be and learn astrology or visit an astrologer for an astrology chart consultation to predict the future. Others learn tarot cards, develop their intuition or go to fortune tellers in order to know what will happen. However once you know your belief system you will see where your thoughts are leading you.

The way you think is often influenced by the information you absorbed from a young age. If you were surrounded by a lot of negative influences, this will affect how your mind responds to the world and your expectations of what you can achieve. For instance, in the case of money, if you have always experienced scarcity and you were told that the pursuit of money is somehow wrong, this may prevent you from developing an abundant mind. If you constantly think of money as a problem rather than an opportunity, you will never achieve financial success.

Neuroscience research has shown that your thoughts can actually affect the cells in your brain. If you think in a certain way, this creates neural pathways that become your natural way to react in certain situations and controls the actions you take in your life. This is why someone who has a positive mindset will see opportunities that others do not, as this is their natural way of thinking. They will also take action to seize the moment as their mind is aligned to their desires and this helps them to move forward and grow.

If your mind is holding you back, there are ways you can reprogram your thoughts to change your future. A technique such as NLP may help you to re-frame situations so that where you used to see a problem, you will now see opportunity and act positively rather than from a place of fear. In addition, you can use self-hypnosis or creative visualization to tap into your subconscious mind so that you change your thoughts and beliefs on a deeper level. If you do this consistently, you will begin to create new neural pathways that can result in positive thinking becoming automatic for you.

If you can understand that your mindset will shape your destiny, you can use techniques to retrain your brain and your thoughts to create a better future.

A Guide For Seeking Spiritual Truths

If you have become sick and tired of being sick and tired, or if you have had struggles with depression, anger or anxiety, you may decide to turn to deeper spiritual truths as a means of living a more fulfilling life. You can choose to seek any spiritual path that speaks to you.

If you do not connect with the path you cannot expect to get much out of it. Some people go through conventional means for getting deeper truths. For instance, some people form a deep and lasting relationship with Jesus Christ. For other people, Jesus may only be thought of as an ascended master. Some people choose the way of Buddha for greater meaning in life and others find solace in regular yoga practices combined with meditation. Others read more books of spiritual principles and daily astrology guides.

If a certain practice does not offer you that inner spark, you will need to continue seeking the path that does. You need to be comfortable in your pursuit of spiritual truths. Give yourself time to begin seeking out that practice. You might need to experiment with several before you find the one that allows you to gain deeper clarity and meaning in life.

Bring your full self into your search for spiritual truths. This means that you need to be as self-aware as you possibly can be. That can be painful for not everyone likes to admit that they have weaknesses or faults but everyone does. And, it is through weakness that our greater selves can be cultivated. Be willing to be as honest as possible with yourself as you embark on your spiritual seeking.

God or all-that-is is found in all aspects of ourselves and lives especially the parts that are broken or in pain. There is a crack in everything a certain song goes - thats how the light gets in. To humble yourself in the midst of your difficulties is often the greatest way to show your strength.

Patience is always a virtue when it comes to doing your soul searching. Be patient with yourself. You are enough right now. You will likely make mistakes as you try to become a more spiritually minded person but try not to be too harsh on yourself. Be happy that you are truly attempting living your life on a deeper level.

Learn all you can. Read more about the paths that speak to you and you will be able to live a richer and more meaningful spiritually guided life.

The Timeless Spiritual Philosophy Behind Yoga

While most people associate yoga with a series of gentle exercises, the truth is that this practice has deep spiritual roots with practices written by Patanjali thousands of years ago that when followed to the letter, could lead to self-realization and even enlightenment.

In order to truly appreciate how truly spiritual yoga uses, let us first take a look at the meaning of the word. Yoga is taken from a Sanskrit word that means unity. The ancients took unity to mean unity with the One mind or Supreme Consciousness or God. So, success in yoga meant being able to commune with and become one with God.

In order to achieve this, the ancient yoga sutras prescribe a set of practices for the ascetic life. Chief among these are the physical postures being practiced by millions around the world today. You might think these physical postures are for toning muscles, but actually, they are being prescribed in order to regulate the internal glands with the end in mind of controlling the bodys hormones. When the hormones are controlled, it is easier for a spiritual seeker to feel harmony and well-being, all pre-requisites to a spiritual experience.

Meditation is another practice that is fundamental to yoga. What is meditation? It is basically controlling your mind through the repetition of a mantra, typically a two-syllable word in Sanskrit. The idea is to repeat it enough so that a practitioner becomes one with the idea of the mantra. Most mantras are different words that mean God so that when you repeat the mantra enough, you will have acquired God-like qualities like compassion and overall happiness.

Another practice that is basic but is probably not as common as meditation and the yoga postures is breathing or pranayama. With pranayama, the practitioner controls his breath through a series of breathing exercises. The most common of these is the alternative breathing technique where you breathe in through one nostril and breathe out through the other. Pranayama is all about calming the mind - if you are able to slow your breath, it is easier to reach a calm state of mind and has a wonderful meditation experience.

The yoga postures, meditation, and pranayama are really just three of the many practices of yoga. Others include the study of the ancient religious texts, karma yoga or being in service to others. All these practices taken together are meant to help students achieve a spiritual state.

Reasons Why Creative Visualization Can Transform Your Life

Do you have negative beliefs that are holding you back? If you find it difficult to achieve what you desire in certain areas of your life, it may be that your subconscious mind is causing you to act in a way that is not aligned to your goals. This can include your financial success or attracting your ideal partner. If you do not really believe that your dreams are possible, you will not take the actions necessary and you can actually self-sabotage your efforts. Creative visualization is a technique that can transform your beliefs. Lets take a look here at some of the main reasons why it is so effective.

Creative visualization involves holding a mental picture of your desires in your mind, so that you actually begin to believe that they are real. This acts as a trigger for your subconscious mind, so that you start to act in ways that are supportive of your dreams. It may be that you begin to attract new opportunities or that the right people appear in your life at the right time. This may seem like luck or coincidence when in actual fact it is because you are seeing your life in a different way based on a new set of beliefs.

It is important not to get discouraged if it doesnt happen immediately. In fact there is a time and season for everything. Astrology will give you the timing. You can go to an astrologer to find out more about the planetary cycles that indicate when you will get the new job, or meet the love of your life.

If you perform visualization on a consistent basis, you will start to change your thoughts and emotions. This is because visualizing effectively means attaching feelings to your desires so that you are actually living your dreams in your imagination. This image will develop into reality in your subconscious mind so that you find it easier to take the actions to improve any area of your life. For instance, if you want to attract your ideal partner, you will have more confidence in approaching someone you find attractive.

Creative visualization also helps you to focus on what you want rather than what you do not want. If you are always thinking of what could go wrong and why something may fail, this creates a negative energy that is resistant to your desires. Visualization techniques are always based on imagining successful outcomes and the emotional states that this creates. Therefore, instead of feeling anxiety you will feel confidence and fear will be replaced by courage.

It is your thoughts and emotions that lead to your actions and by using creative visualization, you can make sure that these are all aligned to help you achieve your desires.