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How Your Mindset Can Shape Your Destiny

Do you have a positive or a negative mindset? The answer to that question may well predict your future. It is a fact that your dominant thoughts make a big difference to your happiness and success in all areas of your life. These thinking patterns can be deep rooted and for many people they can restrict the amount of opportunity ties available in their lives. Lets take a look at how your mindset is formed and ways you can change your thoughts for a brighter future.

Some people want to know what their future will be and learn astrology or visit an astrologer for an astrology chart consultation to predict the future. Others learn tarot cards, develop their intuition or go to fortune tellers in order to know what will happen. However once you know your belief system you will see where your thoughts are leading you.

The way you think is often influenced by the information you absorbed from a young age. If you were surrounded by a lot of negative influences, this will affect how your mind responds to the world and your expectations of what you can achieve. For instance, in the case of money, if you have always experienced scarcity and you were told that the pursuit of money is somehow wrong, this may prevent you from developing an abundant mind. If you constantly think of money as a problem rather than an opportunity, you will never achieve financial success.

Neuroscience research has shown that your thoughts can actually affect the cells in your brain. If you think in a certain way, this creates neural pathways that become your natural way to react in certain situations and controls the actions you take in your life. This is why someone who has a positive mindset will see opportunities that others do not, as this is their natural way of thinking. They will also take action to seize the moment as their mind is aligned to their desires and this helps them to move forward and grow.

If your mind is holding you back, there are ways you can reprogram your thoughts to change your future. A technique such as NLP may help you to re-frame situations so that where you used to see a problem, you will now see opportunity and act positively rather than from a place of fear. In addition, you can use self-hypnosis or creative visualization to tap into your subconscious mind so that you change your thoughts and beliefs on a deeper level. If you do this consistently, you will begin to create new neural pathways that can result in positive thinking becoming automatic for you.

If you can understand that your mindset will shape your destiny, you can use techniques to retrain your brain and your thoughts to create a better future.